End-to-End Digital Transformation Consulting Services

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We are engineers who create scalable, high-performance digital solutions to solve business challenges for startups, entrepreneurs and enterprises.


End-to-End Digital Transformation Consulting Services

August 18, 2023

How Agile Development Empowers Tech Startups to Overcome Common Challenges

In the dynamic world of startups, challenges are as constant as innovation. From limited resources to rapidly changing market demands, startups face a unique set of hurdles. Agile Development, coupled with a strategic IT partner like Distance Coding, can be the key to overcoming these challenges. 1. Problem: Limited Resources and Budget Constraints Startups often […]

How Agile Development Empowers Tech Startups to Overcome Common Challenges Read More »

Key Factors to Consider When Hiring Contract Engineers for hybrid application development team

When hiring contract engineers for your hybrid application development team, there are several key factors to consider. These factors will help ensure that you find the right professionals who can contribute effectively to your project. Here are some important considerations: 1. Relevant Experience: Look for contract engineers who have experience specifically in hybrid application development.

Key Factors to Consider When Hiring Contract Engineers for hybrid application development team Read More »

Best practices for hybrid application architecture

Hybrid applications combine web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript within a native container. They are developed using frameworks like React Native, Ionic, or Xamarin. One of the perks of hybrid apps is their ability to blend seamlessly with the platform’s design choices.  They dress to impress, with design elements that match and stay consistent

Best practices for hybrid application architecture Read More »

Unleashing the Hybrid Marvel: Architecting and Navigating the Tech Stack for Hybrid Mobile Applications

Welcome, hybrid enthusiasts! In this blog, we will embark on a quest to unravel the secrets of hybrid mobile application development. We’ll not only explore the architecture that underpins hybrid apps but also navigate the captivating tech stack and technologies associated with them.  Understanding the concept of Hybrid Applications  Unlike native apps that are developed

Unleashing the Hybrid Marvel: Architecting and Navigating the Tech Stack for Hybrid Mobile Applications Read More »

Mastering the Blueprint: Decoding the Best Architecture and Tech Stack for Your Native Mobile Application

Welcome, native enthusiasts! In this blog, we will embark on a quest to unravel the secrets of native mobile application development. We’ll not only explore the architecture that underpins native apps but also navigate the captivating tech stack and technologies associated with them. Get ready to equip yourself with the knowledge of both architectural prowess

Mastering the Blueprint: Decoding the Best Architecture and Tech Stack for Your Native Mobile Application Read More »

Don’t know how to choose the best architecture for your mobile application ?

Native Applications: Unleashing Platform-Specific Magic Welcome to the realm of native applications, where development is as unique as a fingerprint! Native apps are crafted specifically for the platform they run on, be it iOS or Android. Picture this: if you want your app to conquer iPhones, you’ll wield the mighty Objective-C or Swift in Xcode,

Don’t know how to choose the best architecture for your mobile application ? Read More »

Web Applications: Unleashing the Power of the Mobile Web

Welcome to the realm of web applications, where the mobile web takes center stage! Web apps are like websites on steroids, optimized for mobile devices and accessed through a browser. They provide greater functionality and interactivity compared to traditional websites, giving users a more app-like experience. To develop a web app, we turn to our

Web Applications: Unleashing the Power of the Mobile Web Read More »

A Quick Comparison of Different App Types

When it comes to developing applications for various platforms, you’ll encounter three main types: native apps, hybrid apps, and web apps. Each app type has its own set of characteristics and considerations. Let’s dive into a quick comparison to help you understand their differences and make an informed decision: 1. Performance: Native Apps: These are

A Quick Comparison of Different App Types Read More »

Distance Coding Case Study:

Transforming Logistics with Agile Development – Trolla’s Success Story In the logistics industry, efficiency and adaptability are key. Trolla, a prominent logistics trucking company with a substantial fleet of trucks, faced the challenge of manually managing their complex operations. The need for a robust, flexible, and quick-to-market solution led them to partner with Distance Coding,

Distance Coding Case Study: Read More »

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